PCI-compliant page security that just works
Secure your payment pages against JavaScript & security header attacks with intelligent monitoring built for modern payment companies and merchants.
How it works
Page monitoring and alerting in minutes
Evervault Page Protection helps protect companies from sophisticated card data breaches, while directly addressing requirements 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 in PCI DSS Version 4.
With AI-driven monitoring and alerting, you'll detect potentially malicious JavaScript changes before they impact your customers.
Add our monitoring script
Deploy our lightweight JavaScript snippet on your payment pages. Our system automatically proxies all JavaScript resources through our secure CDN infrastructure.
<head>...<script src="monitoring.evervault.com" /></head>
Track and Manage Script Inventory
Page Protection will automatically create an audit-ready inventory of all scripts loaded on your page. We act as a single source of truth for your script inventory to directly comply with the requirements of PCI DSS.
Continuous Monitoring and Alerting
We'll instantly notify you if there are any script changes that seem suspicious or high-risk, while minimizing false positives and alert fatigue. Approve and reject changes directly in the Dashboard, and maintain a complete audit log of changes that are deployed to production.